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The different possibilities of the shower enclosure

Author: Evelien de Weele

A shower enclosure is an essential part of the modern bathroom. Obviously, the shower enclosure is there to keep water inside the shower room, but it's much more than that. It can simply make your bathroom look a lot more modern, which is why you see the shower enclosure in every modern bathroom. It doesn't matter if you're renovating your bathroom or a completely new bathroom in your new-build home, the right shower enclosure makes a world of difference. In this article, we're going to tell you all the options there are when you want to purchase a shower enclosure.


Making your home more sustainable before selling it

Author: Roel Peeters

Are you considering selling your own home? Make the home more attractive to potential buyers by making it more sustainable in advance. Purchase a separate kWh meter and place it behind the various appliances in the kitchen. It gives you a good idea of its consumption and makes it possible to take concrete sustainability measures.