Making your home more sustainable before selling it

Making your home more sustainable before selling it

Are you considering selling your own home? Make the home more attractive to potential buyers by making it more sustainable in advance. Purchase a separate kWh meter and place it behind the various appliances in the kitchen. It gives you a good idea of its consumption and makes it possible to take concrete sustainability measures. Think of replacing a very outdated refrigerator, renewing the oven, and so on. In such a case, you don't have to replace the entire kitchen; Damaged kitchen cabinets could be wrapped. It makes the kitchen look like new! Not only replacing large power consumers in the home can be an option. You can read more about it in this article. 

Investing in solar panels on the roof of your home
A good alternative is to invest in your own solar energy system. Opt for a large number of solar panels on the roof to generate as much green electricity as possible. The average price of solar panels has decreased in recent months, while their average efficiency is still rising. It benefits the payback period of solar collectors. Keep in mind that the investment in solar panels is often accompanied by an adjustment to the meter cupboard. Through a party like Vekto,  you can buy components for a meter cupboard at an affordable price. It prevents the electrician from being able to charge a margin on these parts. 

Combining solar panels with a home battery
With the possible abolition of the net metering scheme and the levies that are already charged to households by various energy suppliers, it is interesting to combine the solar energy system with a home battery. In this way, a surplus of green electricity can be stored. You use the stored energy when the sun is not shining. 

Use anti-draught excluders and replace the windows
The anti-draught strips are easy to apply. You can order them online, or buy them in the hardware store. You can stick these strips on window frames or, for example, under doors. This prevents draughts in your home, which benefits your health and prevents an unnecessary outflow of warm air. This reduces energy consumption. Instead of using anti-weather strips, you could consider replacing the windows in your home. Logically, this is a much more drastic adjustment to the house with ditto costs. 

Tip: ask your local real estate agent what modifications to your home they recommend based on other homes sold in the neighborhood.